Game Jams

Every year, Games [4Diversity] organizes a game jam with a theme focused on improving the representation of a minority group in games.

Next Event

Games [4Diversity] is making preparations for the next game jam!

When: TBA
Where: TBA
Theme: To be revealed

Game Jams

Big mix jam 4diversity
sao paulo 2018+2019

Fuck First Impressions!
utrecht 2018

Child’s Play
Utrecht 2017

I Believe!
Zwolle 2016

Amsterdam, LA & Melbourne 2015

Amsterdam 2014

Partners & Sponsors

Frequently Asked Questions

How long does the jam take?

We usually jam from Saturday morning until Sunday afternoon. We don’t do overnight jamming – we encourage people to get some sleep in between.

What is the ticket money spent on?

As a foundation, we rely on sponsors and donations to make the game jams happen. The income we get from tickets is used to cover location, drinks and food costs. 

What is a game jam?

A game jam is an event where groups of people make games together in a short amount of time, usually a weekend. 

I'm not a programmer. Can I join?

Yes! You don’t have to know how to code to make games. Game development teams are multidisciplinary: they consist of programmers, designers, artists, composers and producers. 

What can I expect?

As a participant, we take care that you have a blast! We start off with playing some team-building games together to get to know each other. Depending on our budget, we might include drinks & food. We always invite people to play the games after the jam as well. 

Do I have to bring my own hardware?

Yes. We can’t lend you PCs or any other kind of equipment. We offer power, wifi and basic brainstorm tools (pencils, paper). 

Is the location wheelchair accessible?

This depends on the location. Please contact us if you need extra assistance!