The Games [4Diversity] Jam 2015 brought together game developers all over the world to create digital versions of folk games and consider how one’s ethical background can incite new ways of play.

The Games [4Diversity] Jam 2015 explores how one’s ethnic background can incite new and innovative gameplay. During the game jams participants are invited to create answers to questions like: How can ‘typical’ folkgames be translated to the digital domain and made public for a larger demographic. How can one’s ethnic norms and values be...
About the Jam
The Games [4Diversity] Jam 2015 was held in multiple locations across the world to explore how someone’s foreign or native perspective on game culture can inspire new games.
When: March 2015
Amsterdam, Netherlands
Los Angeles, USA
Melbourne, Australia
Theme: Colorful / Folklore
The Games That Were Made
The games were developed in approximately 36 hours. Participants were invited to create answers to questions like: How can ‘typical’ folkgames be translated to the digital domain? How can one’s ethnic norms and values be translated to game mechanics and induce new ways of play? And most difficult, how can someone’s foreign or native perspective inspire new games? The games on this page are but a small representation of the total number made.
Sea of Memories
Sea of Memories is a game about limited social perception. Someone has recently died and all of their possessions are being transported on a ship. You play as a sailor who is tasked with looking through the possessions for this person’s singular most valuable item. However, you have work to do and can only closely examine a small number of these possessions. You have to make a choice of which possession is most valuable to the recently deceased.
This is best played with someone you can discuss the choices with.
Made by
Benjamin van Arkel
Maaike de Jong
Nicholas Lamb
Nymphaea Notschaele
Roy van der Schilden
Samuel Gilbert
Partners & Sponsors